pp108 : Select Y-Axis Fields

Select Y-Axis Fields

This topic describes the fields on the dialog box.

Table 1. Fields



Field Name

Displays the output fields of the Business Measure.


Select one of the following options:

  • Primary: The data of selected field is plotted along the as the Primary y-axis in the chart.
  • Secondary: The data of the selected field is plotted as the Secondary y-axis in the chart.
  1. Y-Axis field appears only for Combinational Dual-Y Chart view type.
  2. Select at least one Primary before you select Secondary.

Render As

Select one of the following options:

  • Line: The data of the field selected is rendered as Line in the chart.
  • Bar: The data of the field selected appears as Bar view in the chart.
  • Area: The data of the field selected is rendered as Area in the chart.
    Note: The Area field appears only for Combinational Chart and Combinational Dual-Y Chart view types.


Displays Xpath of the field.

Related concepts

Web services

Related tasks

Selecting a Data-source
Building Query

Related reference

Process and Activity Monitoring Types
Business Measure Composite Control Properties Interface
Select X-Axis Fields